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Keep God's Vehicle Going Strong


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P.O Box 10004 Moreno Valley California CA 92552


Tithe = the 1st ten percent of your income belongs to the Lord and is given as an act of obedience and faith in the sufficiency of God (Deut 14:22; Prov 3:9; Mal 3:8-10; Luke 11:42)

Offering = anything above and beyond the tithe and is given as a sign of faith and dependence on the Lord only (Matt 6:24; Acts 4:32-37; 2 Cor 9:6-7; 1 Tim 6:10)

Families blessing Families = each member gives whatever the Lord lays on their heart or what they purpose to give and marks the giving as “Family”.  On the last Sunday of each money, all the money collected throughout the month will be given to bless a different family each month!